E4 Carolinas is pleased to announce our newest member - BLUE DELTA ENERGY. Blue Delta provides sustainability and clean energy solutions via market access and regulatory services to commercial, industrial, health, educational and financial institutions. As a partner, Blue Delta Energy brings renewable energy projects to the marketplace and work with clients to accomplish their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction goals.
Vision & Mission
E4 Carolinas envisions the region attracting and retaining the world’s foremost energy companies, innovators and leaders.
Our mission is to cultivate a collaborative Carolina energy cluster to accelerate economic growth, to efficiently use our resources, and care for our environment, resulting in increased employment, productivity and prosperity. Those are our four “Es.”
Our vision will be realized and mission accomplished by creating:
- A highly-connected, informed and collaborative cluster of energy companies and organizations.
- A growing energy economy.
- A world-class energy workforce and leadership pipeline.
- A relevant and dynamic energy innovation ecosystem.
- A comprehensive energy strategy and policy.