Carolinas Nuclear Cluster (CNC)

Create more value and success through collaboration with some of the more than 150 Carolina nuclear energy companies and organizations.

The Carolina Nuclear Cluster fosters collaboration among Carolina nuclear companies and organizations through seminars, networking, research, economic development and opportunity sharing to help the Carolina nuclear energy industry realize its full value. The CNC collaborates with other nuclear energy organizations, such as the Nuclear Energy Institute to produce a survey of Carolina nuclear energy companies and organizations identifying their development interests. The Nuclear Energy Leaders program develops rising nuclear energy leaders. When the program meets in Columbia, Raleigh, Charlotte and Aiken, CNC members are invited to an afternoon seminar. The CNC promotes E4 Carolinas members to foreign trade interests and at various conferences and seminars which E4 Carolinas produces or promotes.

Attend a CNC event or contact a Carolina Nuclear Cluster Co-chair or E4 Carolinas Staff to learn more about CNC opportunities.

Jim Little


Carl Fisher
