USDOE Alternative Fuels

Alternative Fuel Vehicles Grant Project

(January 2020 – December 2022)

U.S. Department of Energy


The objective of the project is to enhance Carolina alternative fuel vehicles fleet and fueling facility disaster preparedness, recovery planning, and resiliency by increasing alternate fuel diversity, and specifically the use of alternative fuels for emergency response fleets that provide critical post-infrastructure disruption transportation, clean-up, utility restoration, and recovery operation services. With the implementation of the plan, Carolina emergency preparedness and recovery organizations will have a resiliency infrastructure plan, emergency procedures, training, and best practices for ensuring that alternative fuel supplies are reliable and resilient. Stakeholders will benefit from an inventory of alternate fuel vehicle fleet operation and fueling infrastructure locations, collaboration procedures, and guidance

Contact Jennifer Hall, E4 Carolinas’ South Carolina Program Manager, to collaborate in developing the Carolinas alternative fuel and vehicle resilience plan.

Please contact Dr. Lukas Brun, E4 Carolinas’ Managing Director of Research and Economic Development, for additional information about our grant-funded research projects.